Seed certification for crops and pastures

Page last updated: Thursday, 1 November 2018 - 1:16pm

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DDLS Seed Testing and Certification is a leading service provider in the field of seed certification.

We offer both a NATA-accredited certification service and the quality-assured SureSeed® Program to protect the integrity of varieties and ensure high quality planting seed for local growers and export markets.


Seed certification is the process that monitors the production of high quality planting seed and underpins the success of Australia's cropping systems. It ensures that the varietal identity of new and existing varieties is maintained through the multiplication process from the small amount of breeder's seed to the large quantity required by industry.

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification is a leading service provider based in Western Australia in the field of seed certification, quality assured inspection services and training of industry. We inspect and certify seed crops under the OECD Seed Schemes, the Australian Seed Certification Scheme and the SureSeed® Program.

What is certified seed?

Certified seed gives growers confidence that the seed they purchase meets defined quality standards including varietal purity, germinability, pure seed content and maximum number of weed seeds.

Certified seed is produced under internationally recognised rules. It is inspected by official inspectors, graded at authorised seed processors and sampled according to International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) rules by authorised samplers.

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification is a nationally recognised inspection body whose expertise in the delivery of seed certification activities under OECD and the Australian Seed Certification Scheme is accredited by NATA and endorsed by the Australian Seeds Authority.

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification has certified seed schemes for most species used in Western Australian agriculture including cereals, oilseeds, pulses and pasture seed.

A copy of the Western Australian Certified Seed Rules can be downloaded from this page.

What is SureSeed®?

The SureSeed® Program is a quality assurance-based seed program that enables growers and seed companies to produce and market high quality seed for sowing of known varietal identity and physical quality, including testing for nominated seed-borne diseases.

SureSeed® is a joint initiative by Australia's leading seed certification providers, Western Australia's DDLS Seed Testing and Certification and South Australia's Seed Services Australia. It is targeted to meet industry demand for an affordable, lower cost alternative to existing seed certification schemes.

SureSeed® is particularly suited to broadacre crop species sold on the domestic market and includes the following features:

  • based on the principles of the OECD Seed Schemes
  • quality assured traceability and documentation systems
  • authorisation and audit of industry personnel to conduct crop inspection and seed sampling activities
  • training and authorisation of industry personnel to sample according to ISTA principles
  • tested for pure seed, germination and seed-borne diseases
  • sale by SureSeed® seed analysis statement in bulk or bagged lots
  • bagged, labelled and sold in accordance with the Australian Seed Federation Code of Practice for Seed.

More information

For more information on Certified seed or SureSeed® or access to relevant forms, contact DDLS Seed Testing and Certification.

Contact information

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification
+61 (0)8 9368 3721