Carbon Farming: Permanent Environmental Plantings to Earn Carbon Credits – Western Australia

Page last updated: Monday, 23 May 2022 - 2:02pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Reforesting previously cleared farming land with permanent environmental plantings can potentially earn carbon credits for the carbon stored in the trees and litter.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides this information to support land manager decisions about investing in carbon farming.


Reforesting cleared farming land with native species can potentially earn carbon credits for the carbon stored in the trees, soil and litter. Trees planted in blocks or belts can integrate with agricultural acitivies. 

There are several eligible emissions reduction activities under the Emission Reduction Fund.

Benefits from Permanent Environmental Plantings

Carbon benefits through the trading of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) with other Australian businesses with compliance obligations or that plan to offset their carbon emissions voluntarily.

Co-benefits of permanent environmental plantings include:

  • reduced recharge on areas at risk from rising watertables
  • improved shelter for livestock, especially lambing ewes, off-shears sheep, and lambs
  • reduced wind and water erosion
  • reduced chemical spray drift
  • enhanced biodiversity benefits through providing habitat.

Opportunity for revegetating marginal or unproductive lands using native species.

Risks in Permanent Environmental Plantings for ACCUs

  • If trees are burnt or die from drought, landholders may have to repay the ACCUs they hold or re-establish the planting. There is a guidance from the ERF on managing fire risk.

Further Information

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