Dry seasons and drought

Long-term records show that our climate is becoming warmer and drier. This trend is expected to continue, with dry seasons likely to become more frequent over southern Western Australia.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides data and information on seasonal weather through its network of automatic weather stations and seasonal climate forecasts through the Statistical Climate Information system.

In dry years, the department provides information to assist growers and agribusiness to manage seasonal conditions and their consequences.


  • The Stormwater Management, Harvesting and Reuse Efficiency Project (Stormwater reuse project) was focused on stormwater harvesting and reuse for social, economic and environmental benefits in Weste

  • Later maturing variety is more affected

    Spring drought refers to plant water stress from insufficient rainfall or stored soil moisture from bud formation to maturity.

  • Scattered germination due to insufficient soil moisture

    Early drought may affect germination and early growth. Water stressed seedlings are more severely affected by other constraints and may have induced nutrient deficiencies.