
The Western Australian oat industry generates about $540 million for the state economy each year through the production of milling oats for human consumption and feed oats and about $225 million per year in oaten hay for livestock production.

The major markets for Australian milling oats are China, Mexico, India and Japan.

Western Australian feed oats are well received by international markets, particularly the growing Middle Eastern and Japanese race horse industries.

WA produces about 40% of Australia's export hay – most of which is sent to Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to support their dairy industry. 

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is a partner within the National Oat Breeding Program, which is responsible for breeding and developing new oat grain and hay varieties with superior quality. 


  • Smaller paler plants with fewer tillers

    Nitrogen deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in oats especially during cold, wet conditions and in well-drained soils in high rainfall areas.


  • Better growth in water gaining areas

    Spring drought refers to plant water stress from insufficient rainfall or stored soil moisture occurring between tillering to maturity. Oats show symptoms more readily than wheat and barley.

  • Young leaves turn pale green and wilted, then die back from the tip

    Most soils in Western Australia were copper deficient in their natural state.

  • Barley plant death from Fusilade® spray drift from neighbouring lupin paddock

    These are post-emergent grass contol herbicides used for annual ryegrass and/or wild oat control in wheat and barley or non-selective grass control in broadleaf crops.

  • Roots stunted, short and stubby with few laterals.

    A widespread fungal root disease that attacks seedlings but which rarely causes large yield losses.


  • GrainGuard is a coordinated and cooperative strategic approach between the grain industry and the Western Australian Government.

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