Nursery & cutflowers

Western Australia has a significant nursery industry and also grows exotic and Australian native flowers for local and export markets. Nurseries exist in most areas from Broome to Esperance.

Important sectors include land rehabilitation after mining and on farms, state and local government, seedlings for commercial growers and home gardens. There is growing emphasis on ‘waterwise’ plants using local provenance species.

Sales of exotic cutflowers are primarily local whereas waxflowers, South African proteas and bush-picked flowers and foliage are mostly exported.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has developed new hybridised waxflower varieties and produced reports on best propagation, field and postharvest management practices of these crops.


  • This page describes the characteristics of a good potting mix and outlines some of the common ingredients, as well as detailing simple tests for aeration and water-holding capacity.

  • Root-knot nematodes are plant-parasitic round worms with a broad host range which includes many important horticultural crops, pastures and some weed species.

  • Waxflower is susceptible to a range of foliar diseases. The main problems which occur in commercial plantations and their control are outlined here.

  • The red and green kangaroo paw is the floral emblem of Western Australia.

  • Proteas are attractive shrubs originating from South Africa which can be cultivated commercially in Western Australia.

  • This article describes the conditions for sustainable bush management and/or cultivation of golden cascade (Corynanthera flava), a species unique to the northern sandplain of southern West

  • Verticordias are a diverse group of Australian native plants which display a range of flower colours of orange, yellow, red, pink, cream and white.

  • Little cherry disease [Ampelovirus Little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2)] is a serious pest of cherries that can affect fruit development and quality.

  • Dried flowers are a popular longer-lasting alternative to fresh flowers. A number of methods can be used to dry flowers but some basic principles apply generally such as drying as fast as possible

  • Cut flowers and foliage are highly perishable items. Field heat should be removed as soon as possible after picking.

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