Buy West Eat Best

Buy West Eat Best is a food labelling program that's all about supporting the local food industry in Western Australia. It is a food-specific brand owned by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia to clearly and easily identify Western Australian food products.

Food businesses must meet strict criteria before they can use the logo to identify locally-grown, farmed, fished and produced foods.

If you are a consumer looking for more information about how you can Buy West Eat Best please look for the logo next time you shop.

If you are involved in the food industry and believe you qualify to use the label contact


  • The Sweeter Banana Co-operative based in Carnarvon, was formed in 1993 to develop a brand that would be easily recognisable by consumers.

  • The Buy West Eat Best program, managed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, requires important criteria to be met to ensure the integrity of the logo

  • The Buy West Eat Best logo with its familar stylised map of Western Australia with bite marks on the eastern border, provides consumers with a brand representing integrity, trust and local produce.