Boosting Biosecurity Defences: Royalties for Regions

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.


The program is comprised of numerous projects that, together, are building sustainable capacity within community, industry and government to transform the management of state-wide biosecurity risks.

Links to some of the Boosting Biosecurity Defences projects are listed below.

Launch of the State Biosecurity Strategy

Collaboration between industry, government and the community to launch the completed WA Biosecurity Strategy.

E-surveillance for pests and diseases in the WA grains industry

Training and release of new technologies to provide the tools for more efficient recording, reporting and investigation of detections of new crop pests and diseases.

Surveillance and diagnosis for pests and diseases in the WA grape industry

Training and release of new technologies to provide the tools for more efficient recording, reporting and investigating of detections of new pests and diseases of grapes and processing of surveillance data.

Early detection of emergency animal diseases (EADs)

Enhanced surveillance of livestock diseases in WA through strengthening disease surveillance networks, raising awareness of EADs, and providing financial incentives to producers to investigate livestock disease.

Building WA’s capacity to respond and recover from emergency pest and disease incidents

Using new incident management and resource coordination systems to transform DAFWA’s and the State’s capacity to respond to emergency incidents. New approach to training with the development of a Memorandum of Understanding with local governments.

Biosecurity Research and Development Fund

Established a new Research and Development Fund to support the development of innovative solutions to better manage biosecurity risks.

Transforming regional biosecurity response

Encourages greater community involvement and responsibility in the management of declared pests, including supporting Recognised Biosecurity Groups and incentive payments for wild dog control.

Piloting new techniques to control and eradicate fruit fly

Conduct a pilot eradication program in Carnarvon in collaboration with growers and the local community using sterile fruit flies.

Evaluation of wild dog control measures

Undertaken a cost/benefit analysis and assessment of the impact of a suite of control measures on wild dog predation and livestock production.


Contact information

Anna Micha
+61 (0)8 9368 3346
Page last updated: Friday, 12 July 2019 - 12:03pm