Mid West

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides advice and information to land-use planners to help them consider the needs of agriculture and food sectors in their decisions.

Liver fluke is a parasite of ruminants and is not present in Western Australia.

Capsicums (Capsicum annuum) and chillies (Capsicum frutescens) are cultivated as annual vegetables while the edible parts are botanically fruit. They belong to the Solanaceae family along with  tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant.

Producing chickens or eggs on land treated or contaminated with organochlorines (OC) is not recommended for domestic consumption or commercial purposes. Any land with a soil OC level of 0.10 parts per million (ppm) or more is regarded as a risk area for grazing livestock and consumption of soil.

Eperythrozoonosis is a disease in sheep and goats caused by the bacterium mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as eperythrozoon ovis). Eperythrozoonosis can lead to ill-thrift and, in more susceptible animals, death. Abattoirs may condemn infected carcasses because of jaundice.

White grain, a fungal disease affecting the quality of wheat grain, was observed for the first time in wheat samples from the south coast of Western Australia during 2013.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) led a project that supported the sheep industry to capitalise on growing markets for sheep products.

Deep sowing to chase moisture can be critical in some seasons to getting crops established early. Wheat varieties differ in their ability to emerge from depth. This is partly related to coleoptile length, but other aspects of seed quality such as seed size can also be important.

The description of road boundaries for each Restricted Movement Zone (RMZ) are as follows.

Broad beans are a winter-growing leguminous vegetable grown for their large, immature seeds which are a good source of protein, carbohydrate, B group vitamins and fibre. They mature in spring and are available for a short period only.

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