Mid West

Some types of saline land in Western Australia have potential for sequestering significant amounts of carbon.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides this information to support land managers making decisions on carbon farming and salt affected land.

To produce potatoes with high specific gravity follow good agronomic practices.  Use high quality seed of the correct variety.  Plant the variety at the right spacing and time of year.  Apply nitrogen and potassium fertiliser to meet crop needs. Apply addequate irrigation.

The Animal Biosecurity and Welfare program within the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) manages evidence-based systems to maintain and verify our high animal health, food safety and animal welfare status.

Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) is a virus that infects Australian flying foxes (fruit bats) and microbats. The virus can be transmitted from bats to humans and horses, and potentially from bats to other animals, causing fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Two types of fresh beans are grown in Western Australia — climbing or runner beans, and dwarf or French beans.

Technology plays an integral role in ensuring our State’s agricultural sector remains profitable and sustainable.

A fertiliser program for potatoes growing in sandy soils must balance environmental risk with maximising returns. Coastal sands are naturally infertile and require higher rates of nutrients than loams.

Plants require trace elements in smaller quantities than macro nutrients but deficiency or toxicity can cause similar losses in yield and quality. Soil tests for trace elements in sandy soils are not as accurate as for macronutrients but can provide a guide.

Western Australia has many insect and mollusc pests (snails and slugs) that can affect the quality and yield of vegetable brassicas crops.

This page summarises the opportunity costs for each resource theme in the Report card on sustainable natural resource use in agriculture (the Report card), and provides linbks to a report identifying the management options and details for each theme.

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