Mid West

This article describes the conditions for sustainable bush management and/or cultivation of golden cascade (Corynanthera flava), a species unique to the northern sandplain of southern Western Australia.

If you think that commercial flower growing could be worth considering, this page will help you work through the issues critical for success and point to sources of information to help achieve that success. This article cannot give the answers but can help you find them.

All ruminants (including sheep, cattle and goats) require cobalt in their diet for the synthesis of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for energy metabolism and the production of red blood cells. Cobalt deficiency in soils can cause vitamin B12 deficiency in livestock.

Copper is an essential trace element for animals needed for body, bone and wool growth, pigmentation, healthy nerve fibres and white blood cell function.

Cutflowers are a luxury product and consumers demand a certain standard of quality and value for money.

Tips for purchasing small rural landholdings is designed to assist prospective purchasers with selecting the most suitable property to meet their needs and expectations.

Correct postharvest handling is essential to maximise vase life and maintain flower and foliage quality.

Ovine brucellosis is a reproductive disease that can affect all breeds of sheep. The disease may cause economic loss in flocks by reducing lambing percentages, extending lambing seasons and increasing ram culling.

Australia is free of scrapie, which is a fatal, progressive, degenerative disease of the central nervous system of sheep and goats.

The persistent nature of organochlorine (OC) residues in soils is an ongoing issue for livestock producers. Cattle are the most susceptible to the accumulation of OC residues.

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