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Check and control reminder for vegetable pest in Albany

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Thursday, 21. March 2019 - 10:45

Home gardeners in Albany are encouraged to check for and control the insect pest, tomato potato psyllid (TPP), after an infestation in a backyard vegetable patch.

TPP is a tiny sap-sucking insect that affects a range of plants including tomato, potato, capsicum, chilli, eggplant and sweet potato.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development chief plant biosecurity officer Sonya Broughton said the pest was reported by a vigilant member of the public on capsicum, chilli and tomato plants in a home garden in Albany, and was confirmed by department scientists.

TPP is already present in Perth and parts of the South-West.

“Gardeners should look out for this pest and be aware of the control options available, which include a range of chemical or eco-friendly spray options,” Dr Broughton said.

“This includes checking plants for insect eggs, nymphs and adults on leaves.

“Look for signs of leaf damage, including yellowing or purpling of leaf margins or upward curling of leaves.”

Dr Broughton said good control of insect pests such as TPP was important to minimise spread to other gardens and limit the potential to spread to commercial horticulture production areas.

Industry has been advised of this latest detection and growers have access to Enterprise Management Plans developed in close consultation with industry.

“This detection does not impact on current interstate trading requirements which are currently in place for plants and select produce sent from WA,” Dr Broughton said.

The quarantine area declared for TPP that includes Perth and parts of the South-West will be extended to include the south coast.

Commercial vegetable growers, the nursery industry and home gardeners are reminded of conditions on the movement of host plants to other parts of WA outside of the quarantine area to help contain and control TPP.

More information on TPP and control options is available from the department website

Tomato potato psyllid
Home gardeners in Albany are encouraged to check for and control the insect pest, tomato potato psyllid (TPP), after the pest was found in a backyard vegetable patch.


Media contact:

Jodie Thomson, media liaison            +61 (0)8 9368 3937/3325