Wine Industry Newsletter

WA Wine Tourism Strategy

Wines of WA have applied for funding to benefit the fine wine regions of Western Australia

Over the past six weeks, Wines of WA worked to develop a submission for a state grant under the Federal $50M wine industry support package.

Wines of WA worked with Regional Associations and their in-region partners and stakeholders to identify key strategies and resulting projects to be funded via the competitive grants component of the package.

The main aim at state level was to identify commonly held strategies and align these across regions. In doing so, there will be two benefits: economies of scale/reduction of duplication in implementing strategies/tactics and; greater collaboration between regions to amplify the impact of the implementation of strategies/tactics.

The state grant application has many collaborators, contributors and supporters.

Key in developing and supporting an aligned state-wide strategy were Tourism WA and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Geographe, Blackwood Valley, Southern Forests and Great Southern have all aligned their strategies and support into the state grant. Perth Hills and Peel have provided input to the development and support the state strategy.

SCOOP digital has been engaged as commercial partner to deliver a comprehensive digital platform available to all regions and producers to be integrated into their promotional activities aimed at driving visitation and spend in region.

Margaret River Wine Association and Swan Valley and Regional Winemakers, in collaboration with their regional partners and stakeholders, have also submitted applications for competitive grants under the package.

Wines of WA has worked with each region to ensure alignment with the state package. We will continue to do so as the strategies are further developed and implemented to ensure we amplify results to the benefit of the fine wine regions of WA.

The completed state grant application package has now been submitted. On confirmation of receipt of the application, Grant Programs Manager Justin Ross commented, ‘terrific job.’

Thanks to all who have contributed to the process. Acknowledgement must also be noted to AgKnowledge for their expertise and work. Agknowledge were commissioned by Wine of WA to complete the state grant application and provide support to the regions as required.

Contact Larry Jorgensen for more information or if you would like to discuss the initiative in greater detail.