Perth regions

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is committed to supporting the Western Australian agriculture and food sector to grow and develop, in order to capitalise on growing demand for emerging markets.

Tỷ lệ cơ sở trồng cho ngành dâu tây cho thấy sự chênh lệch lớn, một số người trồng mất gần một nửa ở một số khoảng đất trồng của họ.

Rates of plant establishment over the strawberry industry are variable.  Some growers are losing almost half on some parts of their properties. Differences between varieties and runner growers occur, but growers who pay attention to detail can keep losses down to 5%.

Surveillance and diagnosis for pests and diseases in the Western Australian grape industry was a transformational project to boost the early detection of exotic pests and disease incursions and enhance biosecurity preparedness within the WA grape industry.

In Western Australia, all owners of livestock and bees are legally required to register with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Brands Office. This includes beekeepers.

This resource is a guide for veterinarians when investigating disease in poultry.

It covers base samples to be collected during any poultry disease investigation and specific additional samples to be collected according to the disease syndrome or suspected disease.

The Western Australian Stock Brand and PIC Register is maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). The Register contains the details of all registered identifiers (i.e.

To make sound decisions on managing saline sites, you need to know the source of salt, how salinisation is occurring, the landscape context, and most importantly, the actual salt concentration of the soil.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and The University of Western Australia (UWA) are leading research into breeding flavonoid-rich apples – healthier apples for consumers.

This page gives some ideas on how to reduce the risk of fires in bush and revegetation on farms, and how to speed recovery of burnt areas.

Large patches of bush in good condition will generally regenerate well after fire, with some management of weeds and grazing.

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