Livestock health & diseases

Western Australia’s freedom from many pests and diseases allows our livestock producers access to a wide range of international and domestic markets. To maintain this enviable biosecurity status, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development ensures significant livestock disease is investigated. This information helps to assure trading partners that we are free of diseases.

Some diseases can have devastating effects on the livelihoods of everyone in the supply chain. To ensure the impacts on the economy and community are minimised, the department maintains trained, response-ready staff and systems to ensure an emergency animal disease incident is promptly and efficiently controlled. In addition, the risk of introduction of exotic disease is also managed by ensuring stockfeed contains appropriate ingredients.


  • The impact of parasites on sheep can range from being virtually undetectable, through to obvious clinical signs or even death.

  • Gastro-intestinal worm infections in sheep are a major cause of lost productivity to the Western Australian (WA) sheep industry and control has become more complex due to widespread drench resistan

  • Hydatid disease is a serious human health concern, caused by cysts of the tapeworm parasite Echinococcus granulosus.

  • More than 60 livestock industries and government representatives joined forces on 2 May 2014 in Perth to work through their respective sectors’ preparedness to communicate and implement a national

  • Selecting the right tube for the chosen blood test, taking sufficient samples, and careful handling of those samples gives DAFWA Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS) pathologists the best chance o

  • The conventional method for brain removal involves sawing through the bone of the dorsal cranium and removing a cap of bone to expose the brain.

  • Toxic 'algal' blooms in Western Australia are common seasonal events that occur in natural waterways and man-made reservoirs such as farm dams.

  • Below is a step-by-step guide for veterinarians produced by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia for performing blood smears for diagnostic use.

  • Simultaneous detection of all disease agents: Metagenomic diagnostics for screening and genotyping of pathogens in animals research project is one of ten successful applications to receive funding

  • Strangles is an infectious, bacterial disease of horses, which may affect any horse not previously exposed to the disease.


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