Table grapes - pest risk analysis consultation

Page last updated: Wednesday, 9 November 2016 - 8:28am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

A pest risk analysis on the importation of fresh table grapes from other Australian states and territories into Western Australia commenced on 15 September 2011. The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia wrote to registered stakeholders on 17 December 2012.

Registered stakeholders were provided with an update on the pest risk analysis for the import of fresh table grapes into Western Australia from other states and territories on 17 December 2012.

Below is an extract from the letter.

"I am writing to you to provide an update on the importation of fresh table grapes from other Australian states and territories into Western Australia.

On 15 September 2011 the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) formally advised stakeholders of the commencement of a pest risk analysis considering the importation of fresh table grapes from other Australian states and territories.

Since that time DAFWA's plant biosecurity policy, planning and legislation project officers have been collating information on the viticultural industry and pests (including diseases) which may be associated with table grapes in other Australian states and territories. To date over 730 pests have been identified and are undergoing assessment to determine if they are quarantine pests for Western Australia and associated with fresh table grape bunches.

The identified quarantine pests will undergo risk assessment to determine the unrestricted risk of entry, establishment and spread of the pests in Western Australia. Phytosanitary risk mitigation measures need to be considered for pests which pose an unacceptable risk to Western Australia. Risk mitigation options are considered for efficacy and compliance with international and national obligations.

Our officers are working towards finalising the pest categorisation process, undertaking pest risk assessments for the identified quarantine pests, considering phytosanitary measures where required and preparing a draft pest risk analysis report for consultation. I anticipate that the consultation draft pest risk analysis report will be released to stakeholders in the second quarter of next year.

Please feel free to forward this letter to other interested people."

If you require further information please use the link below to contact Plant Biosecurity Policy.

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Plant Biosecurity Policy