Sandbank poverty bush (Eremophila margarethae) in the Western Australian rangelands

Page last updated: Tuesday, 6 July 2021 - 3:46pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Sandbank poverty bush (Eremophila margarethae) is one of many plant species found in the Western Australian rangelands.

This page provides a summary of the plant's value for pastoralism. Pastoral lessees and station managers can use this information to assess pasture condition and trend.

Indicator value

Sandbank poverty bush is a reliable indicator of wanderrie bank areas in poor pasture condition when broad leaf wanderrie grass has declined because of grazing pressure and when buck wanderrie grass (Eriachne helmsii) has been noticeably reduced.

Forage value

Sandbank poverty bush has no forage value.


Sandy soils, wanderrie banks

General description

Sandbank poverty bush is a silver, narrow-leafed, resinous shrub with a characteristic scent when the leaves are crushed. The flowers are mauve.