Warty-leaf eremophila (Eremophila latrobei) in the Western Australian rangelands

Page last updated: Tuesday, 6 July 2021 - 3:54pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Warty-leaf eremophila (Eremophila latrobei) is one of many plant species found in the Western Australian rangelands.

This page provides a summary of the plant's value for pastoralism. Pastoral lessees and station managers can use this information to assess pasture condition and trend.

Indicator value

Warty-leaf eremophila is a desirable shrub that decreases under heavy grazing. It is a reliable indicator of good pasture condition if present in the open. Where it is grazed to the point that juvenile plants are not recruiting, pasture condition is declining.

Slender poverty bush (Eremophila eriocalyx) looks very similar to warty-leaf eremophila and the indicator value is similar, so for the purpose of assessing pasture condition and trend, it doesn’t matter if one is mistaken for the other.

Forage value

Warty-leaf eremophila is readily grazed by livestock.


Mulga, sandplain, coastal plain

General description

Warty-leaf eremophila is a green to silver-green shrub that can grow to 2m tall when protected by other plants. It is typically as low as 80cm when growing in open areas. The leaves are usually finely hairy and linear, up to 4cm long. The upper surface of the leaf generally has a warty appearance. The flowers are tubular, orange to red, up to 3.5cm long. The stamens may extend up to 2cm beyond the flower tube. The fruit is up to 1cm long and pointed at the end.

The main difference between slender poverty bush and warty-leaf eremophila is that the sepals that are held below the flower and fruit are distinctly hairy on slender poverty bush.