Regional vision for the La Grange area, Western Australia

Page last updated: Tuesday, 7 April 2020 - 5:21pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Pastoralists, horticulture businesses and traditional owners worked closely with the La Grange project team to develop a regional vision for agriculture development within the La Grange area of Western Australia.

Regional vision for the La Grange area

The vision is a vibrant, growing community and economy in the La Grange region.

Some important parts of this vision

  • unique and diverse social and cultural values of the region
  • development recognises and includes the relationships forged over time and regional values
  • a resilient and prosperous regional community.

Values and opportunities

Native title and other land-holding interests are part of this economic landscape, and development of the La Grange region must support these interests. Native title holders have equal access to pastoralism and pastoral-diversification opportunities that underpin growth in the broader economy.

Agriculture opportunities for the La Grange area are supported by the region’s water and land resources and the expected population growth.

The dominant pastoral industry produces cattle for live export and domestic markets while diversifying into agriculture.

The horticulture industry is growing and increasing food production, and Bidyadanga is planning smaller-scale market gardens as part of the community’s expansion plan.

Export growth to China and other Asian markets – for beef, agriculture, fresh produce and other industry products – provides employment opportunities within the region.

Tourism – a significant industry already – continues to develop, in association with the strong indigenous cultural heritage and natural resources unique to the La Grange region.

Existing landholders work together for development that leads to profitable businesses, a better quality of life and best practice in environmental management within the La Grange region.