
Weather damage in barley is a common problem worldwide including the south coast of Western Australia (WA) where it is associated with the late spring/early summer rains.

This trial examines the positive impact of crop competition, crop type rotation and the mouldboard plough on weed management.

Emu Rock and Corack were lower yielding than Cobra, Mace, Magenta and Wyalkatchem when sown dry and emerging in second week of May. Varieties sown in late May into moist soil were higher yielding.

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is a seed- and aphid-borne virus that infects narrow-leafed lupins. It can also infect many other broad-leafed plant species.

Lupin seeding rates may need to be higher for pasture crops to achieve the same target density as standard crops, as lupin establishment density where crops were sown into perennial grasses was 8-3

Biomass production was greater and distribution of green feed over time wider for the pasture-crop compared to crop only or permanent pasture systems.

Establishing perennial pastures with precision guidance technology provides the opportunity to sow annual crops between perennial rows with tined seeders in future years.

Deep sowing to chase moisture can be critical in some seasons to getting crops established early. Wheat varieties differ in their ability to emerge from depth.

Which cereal or variety is more profitable to grow on wheat or canola stubble? There were nine trials conducted across the wheatbelt in 2014 addressing this issue.

Using tillage to incorporate lime improves the rates of reaction and increases subsurface pH sooner than spreading lime on the surface alone.

Deep sowing wheat (>100mm) will affect productivity.

Management of weeds, disease and nitrogen nutrition are ongoing challenges that limit yield potential.

Previous research in high rainfall zones or above average seasons has shown that in cases where leaf spot disease levels are high very early, fungicide application at or before first node (Z31) is

For successful management of sclerotinia stem rot in most years it is critical to target fungicides at early stage of bloom (20-30%), but optimal timing can vary depending on the season, in particu

Research was conducted into the yield and quality response of long season wheat and barley varieties to a range of sowing times between mid-April and mid-May at Esperance, Katanning and Dandaragan.

In stressed conditions canola yields and gross margins were reduced at plant densities above 20 plants per square metre (plants/m2).

Magenta and Trojan are competitive with Mace when sown early to mid May, taking advantage of good conditions for grain filling.

The north east fringes of the Western Australian wheatbelt received good levels of summer rainfall in 2015.

The north east fringes of the Western Australian wheatbelt received good levels of summer rain in 2015.


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