Establishing an orchard for small landholders

Page last updated: Wednesday, 5 September 2018 - 1:03pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Technical skills - do you know how to?

Fruit growing for profit is a highly specialised field requiring a wide knowledge base, including skills in:

  • plant nutrition
  • tree training and pruning
  • fruit thinning
  • harvesting
  • grading and packing
  • irrigation
  • insect, weed and disease management
  • handling and applying chemicals
  • fruit varieties and characteristics
  • marketing.

In some cases, professional advice from consultants can be sought, but a weakness in knowledge in any area can heavily affect your profit margin.

Consider enrolling in a fruit growing course, working in an orchard for at least one season and reading about fruit production before making a final investment decision.

Orchard management also requires a broad set of practical skills. This includes maintenance and repair of machinery as the cost of calling out a mechanic for minor break downs and repairs is often uneconomical.

Skilled labour for orchard activities is in short supply and in many small orchards the owners are required to do a lot of the work themselves.

Fruit growing is physically demanding and requires a reasonable level of fitness to cope with the hot climate and hard work. In commercial orchards, half of the total on-farm production cost is labour with harvest representing half of the total labour cost.

Estimated number of labour hours required in fruit production (per hectare per year).
Job Nectarines Apples Mandarins Oranges
Fruit thinning 350 100 60 0
Pruning 350 200 50 50
Harvesting 300 300 450 200
Packing 300 150 150 100
Fertilising 30 30 30 30
Irrigation 80 80 20 20
Pest control 30 30 20 20
Pest monitoring 20 20 20 20

Unfortunately, some timesaving machinery used in full-time fruit growing is too costly for the small orchardist.

For the purchase and application of some pesticides you will also need a ChemCert certificate.