Useful contacts for small landholders

Page last updated: Wednesday, 11 September 2019 - 1:17pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

When conducting research on managing your property or starting a new enterprise there are many sources of information from state and local government departments to rural suppliers and industry associations.

This page lists some of the resources that can be used to help you learn more about managing your property, horticulture and livestock.

DPIRD services and tools

If you are seeking information on soils, climate, land, water, pests, weeds, diseases, biosecurity, livestock, crops or horticulture try searching our website

Pest and Disease Information Service

The Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) provides advisory and identification services on animal and plant pests, weeds and diseases that impact Western Australia's agriculture and food industries. This service plays an important frontline role for the detection and reporting of unfamiliar and potentially damaging pests, weeds and diseases of agricultural and quarantine concern.

Livestock registration

In Western Australia, all owners of livestock, whether they are pets or for commercial purposes are legally required to register with DPIRD's Brands Office. This includes beekeepers.

DDLS - Seed testing and certification services

DLS Seed Testing and Certification (formally AGWEST Plant Laboratories) is a service area under the DPIRD Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS) - an amalgamation of DPIRD plant and animal laboratory and inspection services.This is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for agricultural testing services, including seed testing, crop and potato certification, disease diagnostics, post-entry quarantine services, industrial hemp schemes and weed and insect identification.

Fertiliser Calculator

This online tool compares the nutrient content of more than 1500 commercially-available fertilisers and allows development of detailed and personalised fertiliser schedules.

Irrigation Calculator

This crop irrigation requirement program estimates the quantity of water required to grow a range of crops under different management strategies or seasonal planting scenarios at 14 locations throughout Western Australia. The total amount of water required is calculated using recent historical weather data and the evaporation replacement requirement of specific crops, called crop factors, with adjustments made for planting date, soil type, irrigation system and efficiency.

MyPestGuide app

An app for identifying and reporting pests and diseases. This photo reporting tool allows users to easily create and send a report directly to DPIRD and receive a response on their device. The identification guide allows users to quickly search for a pest according to the damage observed, its type or size. By using the MyPestGuide app you will be supporting your local community, defending Western Australia’s agriculture industry and protecting the natural environment from any unusual, damaging or suspected exotic pests.


This is a community website that allows you to record and map sightings of weeds in your local area. Currently over 50 environmentally and agriculturally significant weeds can be mapped across the state. Other weeds can be added on request.

Weather Stations

DPIRD has recently expanded its network of automatic weather stations throughout the State to provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assist growers and regional communities make more informed decisions. Stations provide near real-time data to our website. This data includes air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, with most stations also measuring incoming solar radiation to calculate evaporation.

The weather stations report to DPIRD’s website every 10 minutes and provide near real time data. Local weather, such as rainfall or frost, can vary widely over short distances. These new weather stations are sited to fill gaps between existing stations to provide good geographical coverage. The weather station data is sent to the Bureau of Meteorology weather services and website as part of national climate data sharing arrangements.

Industry uses this data for time critical agribusiness decision-making. These can range from scheduling irrigation of vegetable crops, through to choosing the right conditions for spraying operations in broad scale crops.

To access the latest climate data and weather information for a particular location visit DPIRD's weather page and simply click a pin on the map or select a station name from the ‘weather stations’ menu.

The department's weather stations app is now also available.
