
Seasonal rainfall update, 13 June 2018

The seasonal rainfall update newsletter is produced during the growing season to provide the latest and most relevant rainfall maps for Western Australia with a focus on the agricultural areas. Maps include rainfall for the past week in millimetres and as a percentage of the mean; DPIRD weather...

As part of the successful Getting Value from Farm Data Networks grower group forum at Technology Park, Bentley, held in 2017, four high quality speakers presented to about 70 attendees.

The aim of the eConnected Grainbelt Project is to make a real difference to growers’ businesses and the grains industry.

The project team has assisted with the development of a series of state-of-the-art tools to help you grow your farm business and increase your profits.

There are a variety of possible causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle and they are often different to the common causes of diarrhoea, or scours, in calves. If diarrhoea is causing a production loss in your herd, it is important to try to define the problem and then diagnose the underlying cause.

The Northern Australia Biosecurity Surveillance (NABS) project is a coordinated surveillance program to enhance the early detection of exotic disease incursions and to provide sufficient surveillance information to underpin proof of freedom from trade-sensitive diseases in northern Australia.

WA Livestock Disease Outlook - for vets - April 2018

Calling a vet to investigate diseases protects markets: The WA Livestock Disease Outlook provides information about recent livestock disease cases in Western Australia and diseases likely to occur in the next month. Calling a vet to investigate diseases when they occur...

WA Livestock Disease Outlook - for producers - April 2018

Protect your livestock markets: call a vet when animals are sick. Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of livestock diseases that are reportable or affect trade. Data from livestock...

The Season 2024 webpage contains seasonally relevant information and management options in the broadacre and south-west agricultural areas along with the Southern Rangelands of Western Australia.

Seasonal Climate Outlook May 2018

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) system is indicating less than 40% chance of exceeding median rainfall for May-July and May-October 2018.

Growers have eroded their ryegrass seedbanks by 99.3% from an average of 183 ryegrass/m2 in 2001 to 1.29 ryegrass/m2 in 2018 across the 27 focus paddocks. These growers had already eroded their ryegrass seedbanks by 89% in the first five years of this study.

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