
MyCrop is a collection of interactive tools that bring crop diagnostics to the paddock.

The State Natural Resource Management (NRM) Office was established by the Western Australian (WA) Government to facilitate the coordinated delivery of natural resource management in WA.

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) regulates mechanisms, programs and activities to prevent and minimise the impact of pests and diseases upon agriculture and en

Royalties for Regions is a major government-funded program in Western Australia, administered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

The Weed Seed Wizard is a national collaborative project which uses paddock management information to predict weed emergence and crop losses now and in the future.

Tomato potato pysllid (TPP) is a tiny sap-sucking insect that on feeds on tomato, potato, capsicum, chilli, goji berry, tamarillo, eggplant and sweet potato.

The Water for Food project is a $40 million State Government program delivering eleven projects with the aim of significantly increasing irrigated agriculture across Western Australia.

Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) Ceratitis capitata is a serious horticultural pest in Western Australia.

European house borer (EHB) Hylotrupes bajulus is a destructive pest of seasoned coniferous timber including pine, fir and spruce.

Three-horned Bedstraw (Galium tricornutum) is a declared pest in Western Australia. A prohibited organism subject to an eradication program in the State.

The State Government has announced (July 2020) that it is investing $8.1 million over four years in the eConnected program so its digital platform can continue to provide data to State departments

Animal welfare is important to Western Australians.

The European wasp is considered one of the worst wasps in the world - harmful to people, our outdoor lifestyle and to our horticultural and agricultural industries.

Welcome to the department's Web API portal.

Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea L.) is a declared pest in Western Australia under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007. The management and control of this pest is

The Soil and Land Conservation Council (Council) advises the Minister for Agriculture and Food and the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation on policy, management and conservation of Western A

We’re asking WA residents to send us photos of any critters, insects, plant disease symptoms or weeds you spot between 16 October – 16 November.

Technology and the use of data insights play an integral role in ensuring Western Australia’s agricultural sector remains profitable and sustainable.

Recognised for world class, independent research and development, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development delivers through partnership all aspects of grains, livestock, farming sy

Western Australia has once again been declared free of the destructive pest, Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) after a successful eradication response in the Bayswater area.