PestFacts WA

PestFacts WA is an informative and interactive reporting service on pests and diseases threatening crops and pastures throughout the grain belt of WA. Weekly news updates throughout the growing season provide readers with risk alerts, current information and advice.

PestFacts WA Issue 17, 20 September 2024

Aphid activity update 
Check your crops for native budworm caterpillars
Diamondback moth and other caterpillars found in crops
Identifying and managing rusts in cereals
Diagnose patchy crops to form strategies for next season
Using automated spore trapping to track crop...

PestFacts WA Issue 16, 13 September 2024

Native budworm moth activity update
Protecting grain: ensure clean augers, field bins and silos against insects
Monitor oat and wheat  crops for rusts
Bean yellow mosaic virus and botrytis grey mould in lupins

PestFacts WA Issue 15, 10 September 2024

Increase in diamondback moth numbers
Beneficial insects are active in canola crops
Basal sclerotinia stem rot in lupins and vetch 
PestFacts WA webinar recording can now be viewed online

PestFacts WA Issue 14, 23 August 2024

Diamondback moth activity is increasing in some crops
Spring control of redlegged earth mites
High turnip yellows virus levels detected in canola crops in the Geraldton port zone 

PestFacts WA Issue 13, 16 August 2024

Black cutworm caterpillars are damaging wheat crops and pastures
How to monitor effectively for pests in winter crops
Wheat disease update
Sclerotinia and blackleg infections in canola and lupin canopies  

PestFacts WA Issue 12, 12 August 2024

Fall armyworm caterpillar found at Cuballing 

PestFacts WA Issue 11, 9 August 2024

Brown pasture looper activity update 
Native budworm caterpillars are active  
Sclerotinia stem rot update
PestFacts WA Reporter app

PestFacts WA Issue 10, 26 July 2024

To spray or not to spray? 
DPIRD’s 2024 crop disease and insect identification workshop is fully booked 
DPIRD Diagnostics and Laboratory Services update

PestFacts WA Issue 9, 19 July 2024

Sclerotinia disease in progress in WA
Diamondback moth caterpillars are being found early
Turnip yellows virus and green peach aphid detected in yellow sticky traps and canola crops
Redlegged earth mite update 

PestFacts WA Issue 8, 12 July 2024

Leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow spot/nodorum blotch and flag smut are appearing in wheat
Early spot form and net form net blotches are emerging in barley
Bacterial blight and Septoria avenae blotch in oats


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