Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007


  •  ‘One Health’ is an internationally supported approach that recognises that the health and well-being of animals, people and the environment are closely linked and that international, national and

  • Producing chickens or eggs on land treated or contaminated with organochlorines (OC) is not recommended for domestic consumption or commercial purposes.

  • Western Australia has a well-deserved reputation for producing healthy livestock that are free of diseases and residues that could harm human health or damage our markets.

  • The Boosting Biosecurity Defences program is a collection of projects and activities that aim to increase Western Australia's capability to prepare for and respond to biosecurity issues affecting W

  • Preventing lead residues in livestock protects human food safety and Western Australia's ongoing access to international markets.

  • Some of the world’s safest meat, milk and fibre products are produced here in Western Australia. WA farmers produce safe food by keeping their livestock free of harmful residues.

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