Livestock movement & identification

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development livestock identification and movement within and into Western Australia (WA).

WA is free of many pests and diseases that are found elsewhere in Australia and throughout the world. Livestock movement and identification requirements help to keep WA free of these diseases, protecting our enviable disease-free status, as well as ensuring whole-of-life traceability for many livestock species. Whole-of-life traceability is important because it enables resolution of a disease outbreak or food safety incident as quickly as possible.

These movement and identification requirements underpin WA’s livestock industries and contribute to a profitable and sustainable agricultural sector.

There are strict requirements for bringing livestock into WA. For more information, go to Importing livestock into Western Australia.

There may also be requirements for moving livestock between certain disease control areas in the state. For more information, go to Moving livestock in Western Australia.

There are requirements for livestock identification (brands) and for movement documentation (waybills) for all stock within WA. For more information, go to Livestock ownership, identification and movement in Western Australia.


  • All livestock owners and beekeepers within Western Australia must be registered and their stock identified in accordance with the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement

  • Identification of livestock is required by law under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 [BAM (IMSA) Regulations].

  • All livestock in Western Australia must be correctly identified according to species.