Plant biosecurity

The mission of Western Australia's plant biosecurity programs is to safeguard plant resources from exotic and established pests and diseases. The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) has adopted a 'biosecurity continuum' approach with pre-border, border and post-border biosecurity strategies as integral components of this approach.

The aim of DAFWA’s approach is to identify key threats to productivity, sustainability and market access and outline preventive and response strategies.

The management of biological risks to market access, product safety, quality, productivity and sustainability is a shared responsibility and can be managed together and cost-effectively by means of partnerships between industry, community and government.

DAFWA’s biosecurity policies and operations are targeted to facilitate safe trade, tourism and commodity movement whilst reducing exposure of the State's plant resources to exotic biological risks.


  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Diagnostics and Laboratory Services (DDLS) - Seed Testing and Certification provides a variety of services including seed testing, crop

  • DDLS Seed Testing and Certification offers a wide range of tests to assess the quality of your seed.

  • Some of the world’s safest grains, fruit and vegetable products are produced in Western Australia. WA farmers produce safe food by keeping their products free of harmful residues.

  • Aim:

    To provide an update to the Western Australian grains industry on surveillance for Russian wheat aphid (RWA) in WA and effective management should the pest be found in WA.

  • GrainGuard is a coordinated and cooperative strategic approach between the grain industry and the Western Australian Government.