Carbon farming demonstration projects

Page last updated: Wednesday, 6 September 2017 - 9:58am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Agriculture and Food Division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has worked with regional natural resource management (NRM) groups to establish carbon farming demonstration sites throughout the south-west of Western Australia.

Map showing locations of carbon farming trial sites
Boundaries of catchment councils and locations of trial sites within each catchment council zone.

Collaborating with regional NRM groups to establish demonstration sites

DPIRD collaborated with 5 of Western Australia’s regional NRM groups to improve information for land managers on the complex federal carbon legislation and carbon market.

The 5 NRM groups take carbon farming messages directly to the land managers in their regions, and create strong linkages between research and land managers. The demonstration sites and case studies show that farmers have used technologies to reduce carbon emissions and capture carbon in commercial businesses.

Each NRM group held workshops, field days and regional events, and developed a comprehensive package of information on carbon farming science and policy.

Demonstration site locations

South Coast Natural Resource Management

1. Stone Meal Farm, Narrikup – Stephen and Kerry Frost: Increasing soil organic carbon through biological farming

2. Ian and Michael Walsh, Cranbrook: Perennial grazing systems to reduce methane emissions from animals

3. Chereninup Creek Reserve: Permanent environmental plantings for carbon benefits

4. Fitzgerald Biosphere Group

5. Ken and Paul Reddington, Bremer Bay: Cropping into kikuyu maintains soil carbon (external link)

South West Catchment Council Natural Resource Management

The impact of compost on dairy pastures on soil carbon:

6. S. Scott

7. M. Brett

8. S. Maughan

Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management

9. Ros McFarlane: Direct seeding of sandalwood for sequestration

10. Robert Grylls: Mulching of oil mallees and applying to soil for soil carbon

11. Trevor Syme: Brown manuring of lupins to increase soil carbon

Northern Agricultural Catchment Council

Carbon sequestration from revegetating saline land:

12. MG5 - Perenjori

13. A19 - Perenjori

14. E19 - Threesprings

15. FA1.1 - Coorow

16. B35 - Pithara

17. MF25 - Pithara

Rangelands Natural Resource Management

Measuring carbon in rangeland vegetation and soil:

18. Yoweragabbie

19. Meka

20. Mugon

21. DeGrey

Contact information

Henry Brockman
+61 (0)8 9892 8435