Climate, land & water

Western Australia’s agriculture sector needs access to productive soil and water resources for growth and profit. However, the sector must compete with increasing resource demands from all sectors of the community, and the pressures of a changing climate. The Agriculture and Food division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supports agriculture by providing long-term management solutions, practical risk management strategies and tools to maintain and improve resource conditions, to meet the needs of industry and stakeholders. Agriculture and Food is also pioneering soil and water investigation of the state’s undeveloped areas to establish new irrigated agricultural industries.


  • Older leaf death with small dark spots, particularly at leaf tip and margins

    Boron toxicity is usually an inherent feature of a soil and is a particular problem when high boron levels occur in the subsoil.

  • Bent taproot unable to penetrate ironstone subsoil

    Narrow-leafed lupins have sparse, deep root systems that are not suited to fine textured or shallow soils.

  • Summer crops can be grown for various reasons including replacing a ‘missed’ cereal crop, control herbicide resistant weeds, filling a summer feed gap for livestock or for watertable control.

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