
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works closely with all sections of the industry supply chain from paddock to plate.

Western Australia grows a diverse range of top-quality horticultural crops from the Ord River Irrigation Area in the north, to the Gascoyne River at Carnarvon, the coastal sands near Perth and throughout the cooler south-west region.

Crops include tropical and temperate fruits, delicious vegetables and outstanding table wines. WA also leads the country in flower exports, mostly from our unique native flora.


  • Septoria spot of citrus (Septoria citri) is an exotic disease to Western Australia. It is a serious pest that causes fruit blemishes, affecting saleability for the fresh fruit market.

  • Ampelovirus Little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2) is one cause of little cherry disease (LCD) and is an exotic pest to Western Australia.

  • The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia has initiated a policy review for Panama disease associated with host material and linked packaging imported from other Australian states a

  • Little cherry disease [Ampelovirus Little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2)] is a serious pest of cherries that can affect fruit development and quality.

  • Powdery mildew is a disease which is becoming more prevalent in Western Australian strawberry crops as increasing areas are being grown under high (Haygrove) tunnels.

  • Strawberries are affected by a number of pathogens causing crown and/or root rots.  These diseases are becoming more prevalent for several reasons including the withdrawal of methyl bromide as a so

  • Septoria spot (Septoria citri) is a serious pest of citrus that can affect external fruit quality. This pest is not known to occur in Western Australia.