
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works closely with all sections of the industry supply chain from paddock to plate.

Western Australia grows a diverse range of top-quality horticultural crops from the Ord River Irrigation Area in the north, to the Gascoyne River at Carnarvon, the coastal sands near Perth and throughout the cooler south-west region.

Crops include tropical and temperate fruits, delicious vegetables and outstanding table wines. WA also leads the country in flower exports, mostly from our unique native flora.


  • Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is an aphid-borne virus that causes yield losses and fruit quality defects in cucurbit crops.

  • Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) is a serious horticultural pest in Western Australia. It attacks a range of cultivated fruits and some fruiting vegetables.

  • Black scale (Saissetia oleae) is a major pest of Australian olives, reducing tree vigour, yield and the quality of fruit and oil.

  • The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is native from Iran to northern India.

  • The recent listeria food safety warning around rockmelons on the east coast of Australia does not apply to Western Australia.

  • Bananas in the Ord River Irrigation Area face two major insect pests (banana weevil borer and sugarcane bud moth) and two mites (russet and two-spotted).

  • Local studies carried out by the University of Western Australia (UWA) scientists have shown that flavonoid-rich apples have a direct and measurable effect on human health; with the consumption of

  • Pollination is one of the keys to profitable apple production. As a general rule, apple varieties are not self-fertile and will not set a full crop without a compatible polliniser.

  • Water is a basic requirement for all organisms, including microbial pathogens. In fruit growing and where water is an input, there is also the potential for harmful bacteria to thrive.

  • Participating in quality assurance schemes for fresh produce comes at a cost, but this can be more than outweighed by benefits in the marketplace.

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