Soil management

Crop production in Western Australia presents a variety of management problems arising directly from the inherent properties of the soils. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development conducts and supports research into managing the structure, waterholding capacity and fertility of these soils and can provide technical information to assist landholders make better management decisions.


  • Agricultural lime is any product that is used to increase the pH of soil. In Western Australia, the three main sources are limesand, limestone and dolomitic lime.

  • Carbonate from calcium carbonate (or magnesium carbonate) neutralises acid in the soil.

  • In this section you will find detailed information on various case studies highlighting the long-term benefits of liming and different options used by farmers for incorporating lime.

  • Convert to 100% neutralising value (NV) for equal comparison and discount to allow for differences in particle size and speed of reaction.

  • Soil acidity is a major constraint to farming in Western Australia.