
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development continues to support the growth and international competitiveness of all crop industries in Western Australia.

With a 2400 kilometre span from its tropical north to its temperate south, WA supports a broad range of cropping industries from rain-fed winter cereals through to irrigated horticultural crops.

In the 2012/13 year the WA cropping industries exported a total of $3.9 billion which comprised: $3.1 billion of cereals, $859 million of pulses, pastures and oilseeds, $142 million of horticultural crops. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($2.7 billion), canola ($756 million), barley ($377 million), lupins ($42 million), carrots at $48 million, oats ($12 million), and strawberries at $5.5 million.


  • The Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) provides advisory and identification services on animal and plant pests, weeds and diseases that impact Western Australia's agriculture and food ind

  • Mites of the Tetranychidae family (commonly known as spider mites) include some important pests of economic concern to agriculture and forestry.

  • DDLS Seed Testing and Certification is responsible for administering the industry seed potato production schemes in Western Australia.

  • A Quarantine Area Notice is in place that applies restrictions to the movement of host plants produced in the Quarantine Area to other areas in the state where tomato-potato psyllid is not known to

  • Citrophilus mealybug (Pseudococcus calceolariae) is a serious pest of many horticultural industries that can downgrade fruit quality and affect fruit production.

  • Queensland fruit fly (Qfly, Bactrocera tryoni) is considered to be one of the most serious pests of fruit and vegetables in Australia.

  • Green snail (Cornu apertus) is a declared pest under section 22 of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007.

  • Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is a mottle brown coloured, shield shaped stink bug.

  • Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a serious pest of apples and other pome fruit and has the potential to cause severe crop losses.

  • Glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis) is a sucking leafhopper known to be a vector to bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which causes various serious plant diseases.

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