
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development continues to support the growth and international competitiveness of all crop industries in Western Australia.

With a 2400 kilometre span from its tropical north to its temperate south, WA supports a broad range of cropping industries from rain-fed winter cereals through to irrigated horticultural crops.

In the 2012/13 year the WA cropping industries exported a total of $3.9 billion which comprised: $3.1 billion of cereals, $859 million of pulses, pastures and oilseeds, $142 million of horticultural crops. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($2.7 billion), canola ($756 million), barley ($377 million), lupins ($42 million), carrots at $48 million, oats ($12 million), and strawberries at $5.5 million.


  • Blackleg is the most regularly occurring, serious disease of canola in Western Australia.

  • No treatment in this trial effectively repelled small conical snails.

    No treatment caused significant mortality of conical snails over 21 days when compared to the nil treatment.

  • Beneficials are insects and pathogens that kill crop pests, they are also referred to as 'natural enemies' or 'biological control agents' of pests.

  • The Weed Seed Wizard is a computer simulation tool that helps you understand and manage weed seedbanks on your farm.

  • Leaf spot diseases affecting wheat in Western Australia are septoria nodorum blotch, yellow spot and septoria tritici blotch.

  • This page provides information on chemical control for the spur-throated locust in Western Australia.

  • Herbicides can be applied by a variety of means including boom sprayers, aerial spraying, misters, blanket wipers, rope wick applicators, weed seekers and back-pack sprayers.

  • In Western Australia, competition from 7-90 capeweed plants per square metre in a wheat crop can reduce crop yield by 28-44% and net return by 25-76%.

  • This management strategy provides an opportunity to control weed seed set in the pasture and during harvest.

  • Doublegee or spiny emex is a significant weed in Western Australia. It is a vigorous annual herb with a strong tap root and a long, fleshy, hairless stem.

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