
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development continues to support the growth and international competitiveness of all crop industries in Western Australia.

With a 2400 kilometre span from its tropical north to its temperate south, WA supports a broad range of cropping industries from rain-fed winter cereals through to irrigated horticultural crops.

In the 2012/13 year the WA cropping industries exported a total of $3.9 billion which comprised: $3.1 billion of cereals, $859 million of pulses, pastures and oilseeds, $142 million of horticultural crops. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($2.7 billion), canola ($756 million), barley ($377 million), lupins ($42 million), carrots at $48 million, oats ($12 million), and strawberries at $5.5 million.


  • Malformed and broken (centre, right) seedlings

    Lupin has large seeds that are prone to mechanical damage during harvesting and subsequent handling, which may reduce seed viability.

  • Seedlings have deformed roots and shoots.

    Allelopathy is an uncommon disorder of germinating plants caused by a toxins in the soil that have leached from plant residues.

  • Inspecting lupin roots

    All pulse plants require healthy root systems in order to maximise growth and yield.

  • Smaller less developed tillers on the left

    The ability of a cereal crop to tiller is an indication of the crop’s ability to maximise crop yield. An inadequate number of tillers will limit the number of heads and yield potential.

  • Flowering canola paddock

    The time of flowering can be critical in determining final yield in all crops. Frost or hot, dry conditions during flowering in cereal, canola and pulse crops can dramatically reduce yields.

  • Well laid canola swaths near South Stirling

    The aim of this check is to ensure that the crop is at the right stage of maturity for windrowing. This will ensure that seed yield and oil content are maximised.

  • Dried flowers are a popular longer-lasting alternative to fresh flowers. A number of methods can be used to dry flowers but some basic principles apply generally such as drying as fast as possible

  • Flowering kaspa crop

    The number of tiller in cereals establishes the yield potential of the crop for the season. The branching of legumes and canola largely determines the yield potential in these crops.

  • Cut flowers and foliage are highly perishable items. Field heat should be removed as soon as possible after picking.

  • Liquid fertiliser is commonly used on its own or as a supplement to base fertiliser in horticulture.

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