Serrated tussock control

Page last updated: Monday, 20 July 2020 - 1:50pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Control methods for serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) a declared pest in Western Australia. Report the presence of this organism before undertaking a control measure.


Information about this pest can be found on the serrated tussock: declared pest page.

Chemical requirements

When using any agricultural chemicals please ensure that you always follow instructions on the label. label and any permit. Users of agricultural chemical products must always strictly comply with the directions on the label and the conditions of any permit. To view permits or product labels go to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website.

Chemical control options

Chemical control options can be found below. For other methods of control please refer to the aquatic weed control page, and the declared plant control handbook.

Recommended herbicides

  • 2,2-DPA
  • Flupropanate
  • Glyphosate

Herbicide: Atlapon® or Propon® ( Group J)

Active ingredient

740g/kg 2,2-DPA

Rate of product/10L water


Rate of product/ha


Wetting agent

Non-ionic at 1mL/L water

Time of application

January to April


Six weeks after treatment burn area

More information and other control measures

If area can not be burnt then treat area January to February with 28kg/ha 2,2-DPA

Herbicide: Flupropanate (Group J) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

745g/L flupropanate

Amount of product/10L water


Rate of product/ha


Wetting agent dilution

100mL non-ionic (600g/L)/100L

Time of application

  • November to February for general spraying
  • Spot treatment applied Spring to Autumn


  • Burn 10–12 months or slash/heavy graze two weeks before treating.
  • Before reseeding to grasses and clovers after the treatment, at least 100mm of rain is needed. If this has not occurred delay reseeding until the following season.

More information and other control methods

For spot treatment plants need to be sprayed until run-off
Herbicide: Glyphosate (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

  • 360, 480 and  490g/L glyphosate , (isopropylamine salt)
  • 500, 540, 570g/L glyphosate (potassium salt)
  • 450, 510 g/L glyphosate (monoethanolamine salt)

Amount of product/10L water

  • 70–130mL for 360g/L concentration
  • 30–40mL for 540g/L concentration

Adjust rates for other concentrations of glyphosate

Rate of product/ha

  • 4–6L for 360g/L concentration
  • 2.7–4L for 540g/L concentration

Adjust rates for other concentrations of glyphosate

Wetting agent dilution

Non ionic 100mL/100L

Time of application

May to October


Burn 10–12 months or slash/heavy graze two weeks before treating

More information and other control methods

Hexazinone (Velpar) at 3.5–5kg used for control in pine plantations

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080