
Silt washed into farm dams (excavated earth tanks) reduces storage volume, increases the chance of algal blooms and increases the proportion of water lost to evaporation.

There are two forms of footrot in sheep and goats: virulent and benign. They are caused by infection with different strains of the bacterium, Dichelobacter nodosus.

The tactical break crop agronomy project is jointly funded by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Grains Research and Development Corporation. Its purpose is to improve the agronomy of break crops, particularly canola.

Fire removes organic ground cover, and the risk of water erosion is greatly increased. Summer thunderstorms or early autumn storms (before adequate vegetative groundcover develops) can result in serious erosion on burnt areas.

Farm fires will often lead to contaminated surface-water supplies: ash and soil from burnt paddocks and bushland can be blown or washed into farm dams and provide nutrients for bacteria and algae.

Wind and water erosion risk is increased where fire removes groundcover and some seed reserves. In the recovery phase after fires, there are several options that will reduce the likelihood and impact of wind erosion.

Trees are an important part of any property.

They help prevent erosion by stabilising the soil and control salinity through their intake of water. They also provide shelter and shade for livestock, crops and pastures and generally improve the aesthetics of a property.

Lupinosis is a liver disease mainly caused by the consumption of lupin stalks colonised by the fungus Diaporthe toxica. It can be expressed as either a severe acute disease or as a chronic liver dysfunction syndrome.

Thursday, 5 February 2015 - 1:00pm to 6:00pm

Calf-O-Rama calving workshops will be held in Esperance on 3 February, Mt Barker on 4 February and Manjimup on 5 February 2015.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015 - 1:00pm to 6:00pm

Calf-O-Rama calving workshops will be held in Esperance on 3 February, Mt Barker on 4 February and Manjimup on 5 February 2015.

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