Grace Williams
Research Scientist, Farming Systems Innovation
Woman in paddock

My role in the department

Grace Williams joined DPIRD’s Regional Research Agronomy project in 2020 undertaking activities including crop sequence trials post-amelioration, and investigations of the feed value and management options of the weed, matricaria.

In April 2021, Grace commenced as a Research Scientist with Farming Systems Innovation, working with Caroline Peek to investigate future farming systems at Merredin’s Future Farming Systems learning hub.

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My background

Grace completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in Agricultural Science at the University of Western Australia in 2016.

Since graduating, she worked briefly as an agronomist at a crop protection company before commencing a research agronomist role for a contract research company. In this role in the central wheatbelt, which she worked in for three years, she managed a large portfolio of trials covering topics including herbicide resistance, crop protection product development, crop nutrition, plant breeding, and research demonstration.