Grains Research and Industry Development Projects

Page last updated: Thursday, 23 November 2023 - 11:35am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

DPIRD strives to provide essential knowledge and tools to increase profitability, meet market requirements, and improve the economic development of WA.

Our research is undertaken in collaborative projects with other state government agencies, universities, CSIRO, grower groups, growers, and commercial partners.

The research is supported by expert technical services, which provide operational management, research facilities and equipment for the delivery of grains research experiments.

DPIRD grains staff
DPIRD Grains Staff

To learn more about our priority projects, click on the links below.

Crop Protection:

Providing industry with effective, rapid and efficient on-farm management strategies to minimise losses from pests, weeds and diseases.

Generating new technologies for the early identification of pests, weeds and diseases while including reduced chemical input.

Crop Protection projects

Soil Science and Crop Nutrition:

Identifying new soil management techniques to improve the efficiency of water and nutrient use by crops through better physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soil.

Soil Science and Crop Nutrition projects

Crop Science and Grain Production:

Providing industry with the information and tools to optimise management of major crop types and varieties for yield and quality in the context of seasonal and farm business conditions.

Crop Science and Grain Production projects

Genetic Improvement:

Evaluating and developing new breeding lines and genetic traits under harsh WA environmental conditions and providing this to crop breeding companies, including InterGrain, for the development of better crop varieties.

Genetic Improvement projects

Farming Systems Innovation

The Farming Systems directorate was established to help identify and assess the scientific, technical and social innovations that will underpin the continued productivity and sustainability of WA farm businesses in the face of climate change, changing consumer preferences and more competitive markets.

Farming Systems Innovation projects 

Field Research Services:

Delivering timely and efficient technical services, infrastructure and equipment to allow client research programs to fulfil their research goals in the West Australian grainbelt.

In 2023, the department conducted more than 300 research trials across the state from Kununurra in the north to Esperance in the south.

Primary Industries Development 2023 Research Trials map 

Industry Development:

Grain Industry stewardship to facilitate and enhance across supply chain adaption, growth and profitability.

Industry intelligence:

Analyses of the macro and micro environmental factors in which the WA grains industry operates including; seasonal conditions, production levels, markets, value chain opportunities and risks for grains produced in WA.