Great Southern

Western Australia has a mandatory livestock ownership, identification and movement system.

Western Australia has a relatively disease-free status compared with the rest of the world. Good biosecurity practices minimise the potential for introducing disease into your sheep flock and reduce the chance of disease spreading within your flock or to other flocks.

The National Arbovirus Monitoring Program (NAMP) monitors the distribution of economically important insect-borne viruses of livestock and their vectors. NAMP specifically monitors bluetongue virus, Akabane and bovine ephemeral fever.

As a landholder it is important to plan ahead for the coming season.

Whether it be livestock, crops, pastures or weeds and diseases it is vital to monitor changes and address issues to maintain your property.

Mango fruit produced in the Perth area is seasonally the latest in Australia and receives high prices in WA and interstate. The main commercial growing areas are Wanneroo, West Gingin, Gingin and Dandaragan.

Mastitis is the term for a bacterial infection of the udder. It is most common in ewes raising multiple lambs or with high milk production. Most cases occur during the first weeks after lambing or immediately before weaning.

Members of the public can lodge a complaint about observed land management with the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation in Western Australia, and the Commissioner will then investigate the complaint as required in the Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 (the Act) or its regulation

The table below provides suggested maximum velocities of surface water flow on various soils. This information can be used when designing surface water management structures.

Grain overload is also known as acidosis or grain poisoning. It occurs when cattle, sheep or goats eat large amounts of grain, and can result in acidosis, slowing of the gut, dehydration and often death. Veterinary treatment is required for severe cases.

The poultry biosecurity checklist summarises the actions needed to protect your poultry and the Western Australian poultry industry from the devastating effects of emergency diseases such as avian influenza or Newcastle disease.

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