Great Southern

The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia aims to provide information to support growers with decisions on the best choice of variety for each of the major crops for the upcoming season. Some management tips for cereals are also provided.

Seasonal Climate Outlook October 2023

Rainfall outlook for the South West Land Division for the remainder of 2023, October to December, is for below median rainfall, based on a survey of 20 national and international models. Warmer temperatures than normal are also expected.

Ovine Observer #100 September 2023

In this issue:

1. Edition 100 of the Ovine Observer
2. Opportunties using eID - Tahara case study
3. Coxiella burnetii (Q-fever) in Australian breeding ewes
4. Lupinosis in sheep
5. Dry season response 2023
6. Seasonal Updates

WIN vol. 148

The September issue of the Wine Industry Newsletter features a summary from a project trapping powdery mildew spores, technical symposium being planned for next year, 2022 production data, DPIRD's Voucher Program supporting wine producers, digital solutions on a shoestring, strategic planning ,...

Seasonal Climate Outlook September 2023

Rainfall outlook for the South West Land Division for spring, September to November, and for the remainder of the year is for below median rainfall, based on a survey of 20 national and international models. Warmer temperatures than normal are expected for spring.

Seasonal Climate Outlook August 2023

Rainfall outlook for South West Land Division for August to October and spring, September to November, is for below median rainfall. This is based on a survey of 20 national and international models. Higher chance of frost is expected for August.

Seasonal Climate Outlook July 2023

Recent conditions: growing season rainfall (since 1 April) has been decile 4-10 for the majority of the South West Land Division (SWLD), after some good falls in June. Rainfall outlook for SWLD for July to September, all models indicate below median rainfall, based on a survey of 20 national and...

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPRID) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) Program is designed to facilitate sustainable and lasting increases to Aboriginal economic participation.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) program lays the building blocks for a new approach to AED in WA.

WIN vol 147

This edition features a wrap up of vintage activities from the DPIRD wine research team, a climatic summary of the 2022/23 season across WA, further details of the shoestring digital solutions project, trialling electric weed control, a biosecurity alert and more... 

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