Meat quality

Driven by consumer satisfaction, quality is an intrinsic part of meat supply chains - beginning on the farm where animals are produced and ending at the retail store where meat is sold. Animal genotype, feeding systems, low stress handling and processing systems are among many factors that impinge on meat quality.

In partnership with industry funding bodies - including the CRC for Sheep Innovation, Meat and Livestock Australia, Australian Pork Limited and the Pork CRC - the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development conducts research into eating quality, shelf life, meat yield, nutritional value and efficiency of meat production.

This research includes work with farmers and meat processors with the aim of improving fresh meat quality for consumers to ensure that meat production is profitable and sustainable for all those involved. Both domestic and high-value international markets are targeted by this research.

The results of this work reach industry through various programs including Meat Standards Australia grading systems, Australian Sheep Breeding Values from Sheep Genetics and national guidelines and training programs for animal production and welfare.


  • Dedicated value chains was a Sheep Industry Business Innovation (SIBI) subproject which consisted of four key tasks: value chain design, sheepmeat product development, placement of staff and schola

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