Livestock & animals

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supply chain support, research and development and rigorous biosecurity systems underpin the economic success of Western Australia’s livestock industries. In 2011/12, the WA livestock industries contributed 26% of the state’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry production, worth approximately $2 billion at the farm gate.

WA is a world leader in live exports, super fine wool production and dryland sheep and grain systems. Both cattle and sheep systems are focused on export markets to Asia and the Middle East. WA also has innovative, world-class integrated dairy and pork industries meeting local and South East Asian demand for safe, fresh milk and pork. The WA poultry industry is growing strongly as a result of increasing domestic consumption.

Global demand for high-quality, safe animal protein and products produced according to high animal welfare standards will continue to rise in coming years. Increasingly DAFWA will partner with industry -- locally, nationally and internationally -- in transformational business projects to capitalise on this demand.


  • The Southern Rangelands Revitalisation Program supports pastoralists to investigate and design long-term solutions for on-station improvements in rangeland condition and livestock profitability in

  • South West cattle producers and small landholders are being affected by an extended dry season where available annual pasture and feed reserves are being depleted.

  • The adoption of mandatory electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats is a way of improving traceability pra

  • The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) provides the authority for regulations to be made for the erection and maintenance of barrier fences as a means of controlling

  • DPIRD recognises the importance of reducing emissions in agricultural systems and are dedicated to implementing sustainable practices that mitigate environmental impacts while contributing to incre

  • The Lambing Planner is a simple tool that allows you to change a lambing date or a joining date to see the impacts of that on other key times in the reproductive year.

  • Annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) is a potentially fatal poisoning of livestock after consumption of annual ryegrass infected by the bacterium Rathayibacter toxicus (formerly known as Cl

  • Hay, silage, pasture, and feeds that contains annual ryegrass may cause annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT).

  • This pasture condition guide can be used from the web pages or by downloading the linked documents.

  • FEED365 is a four-year project (2021–2025) under the SheepLinks program that engages sheep producers and allied industries to re-design livestock forage systems for grazing


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