2018 Oat variety guide for Western Australia

Page last updated: Friday, 30 November 2018 - 12:54pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's 2018 Oat Variety Guide provides a comparison of grain yield, grain quality, hay yield, hay quality, herbicide tolerance and disease resistance for new and established milling oat varieties.

Interest in planting oats in Western Australia has been rekindled in recent years due to growing demand for milling oats for human consumption, especially from nearby Asian markets.

This guide is designed to help determine which oat variety to grow in your region, whether that is for milling grain or export hay. The guide provides variety characteristics, disease ratings, and agronomic information for milling oat varieties that offer growers the best opportunity to meet market requirements. This guide should be read in conjunction with industry information provided in the Grains Industry of Western Australia's Oat variety and grade update (available from the GIWA website).

The variety guide also features details about new oat variety Kowari, which was released in September 2017.

Kowari will undergo commercial milling evaluation after this harvest and if endorsed by industry, may be added to the list of varieties accepted for delivery into milling grades OAT1 and OAT2 in 2018/19.


Georgina Troup