Diagnosing wheat loose smut

A fungal disease affecting seed heads, which can cause yield losses and delivery dockages.

Scattered plants with black heads or bare flower stalks.
Seed replaced with a compact mass of dark brown-black powdery spores.
Seed replaced with a compact mass of dark brown-black powdery spores.

What to look for


  • Scattered plants with black heads or bare flower stalks.


  • Plants flower earlier than normal.
  • Seed replaced with a compact mass of dark brown-black powdery spores.
  • Bare stalks remain once fungal spores have blown away.

Where did it come from?

  • The disease is carried as a small colony of fungus in the seed, which infects the growing point of the wheat seedling following germination. Infected seed is symptomless.
  • Loose smut is not carried in soil or contaminated machinery.
  • Infection is favoured by rainfall and high humidity during flowering.

Management strategies

Seed dressing fungicide
Seed dressing fungicide
  • Fungicidal seed dressing controls loose smut.
  • Use clean seed if contamination is found.
Page last updated: Thursday, 16 April 2015 - 10:12am