MySoil: Clays and shallow loamy duplexes (Salmon Gums)

Complex soil associations of clayey soil, normally associated with Gilgai (crabhole) surface features. All are grey to red-brown clay-loams to clays, with calcareous subsoils.

Broadscale map (1:250 000) of the Salmon Gums Agzone showing the distribution of clays and shallow loamy duplexes. The majority of the region shows clays occupying 25 to 50% from Cascade to Salmon Gums with some areas of 10-25% and 50-100%.
A stylised diagram of the soil profile showing the topsoil and subsoil layers for red/brown non-cracking clay (soil group 622).  The soil profile is red or brown clay throughout and sometimes with unknown substrates from 60cm depth.
Soil pit showing the profile of red/brown non-cracking clays in the Salmon Gums region.  The soil profile is red/brown clay throughout.


Table 1 clays and shallow loamy duplex
Occurrence Brown or red shallow loams over clay subsoils

Soil Groups of Western Australia (WA)

622 Red/brown non-cracking clay
Also known as Kumarl heavy soil, Dowak soil, Clyde Hill soil
Australian soil classifications

Grey Vertosol

Red or Brown Dermosol,

Red or Brown Kandosol

Distinguishing features

Kumarl is red in colour and is a lighter clay compared to the dark brown medium to heavy clays associated with the Dowak soils. Beete and Geordie calcareous loamy earths are often found on crabhole mounds surrounding the Kumarl and Dowak soils

The Clyde Hill series occupies the lowest depressions of the crabholes and has a self-mulching (~’friable’) surface. Minor Gniess or dolerite  rock outcrop may also be associated with the Clyde Hill series.

Surface soil

  • Hardsetting loamy to clay textured surface soil with minor gilgai features.
  • Clyde Hill has a strongly structured self-mulching surface.
  • Neutral to Alkaline.
  • Stones and cobbles (Boondies) of lime nodules often found on surface.


  • Clays sodic and magnesic with low permeability.
  • Carbonates present throughout the profile.
  • Alkaline, saline and boron toxic.


The following data has been derived from actual site samples taken. These results are recorded in this Excel spreadsheet.

Table 2 Common management constraints key
Rating Limitation
Not applicable (n/a) No constraints identified
Minor Minor constraint - reduces crop yields in some years
Major Major constraint - reduces crop yields in most years
Severe Severe constraint - will always reduce crop yields
Table 3 Management constraints for clays shallow loamy duplex

Soil Group of WA

622 Red/brown non cracking clays* 622 Red/brown non cracking clays*
Constraints Topsoil Subsoil
Acidity and aluminium toxicity n/a




Sodicity and alkalinity


Boron toxicity


Poor nutrient retention



Aggregate stability


Compaction and hard layers



Hard setting and crusting Minor


Water repellence



Low plant available water


Water-logging (seasonal) Minor


Wind erosion (seasonal)



Water erosion (seasonal)



*Note - Data derived from site identifications (ID's).

  • Soil Group of WA - 622 Red/brown non cracking clays site ID includes: Kumarl, DowakSG3.

Further information

Department of Agriculture and Food (2013) Report card on sustainable natural resource use in agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.

McArthur, WM (2004) Reference Soils of South-western Australia (Reprint). Department of Agriculture, Western Australia.

Moore, G (2004) Soil Guide: A Handbook for Understanding and Managing Agricultural Soils. Bulletin 4343. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia.

Overheu, T Muller, PG, Gee, ST and Moore, GA (1993) Esperance Land Resource Survey. Land Resources Series No. 8. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia.

Overheu, T Nicholas, B and Needham, P (1996). Soil Information Sheet for the Mallee Area, Mount Beaumont: Karlsberg Soil Series. Agriculture Western Australia.

Scholz, GGH and Smolinski, HJ (1996) Soils of the Mount Beaumont area. Land Resources Series No. 7. Agriculture Western Australia

Schoknecht, N and Pathan, S (2013) Soil Groups of Western Australia. Resource Management Technical Report 380. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.

See also

Further information

Page last updated: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 - 9:23am