Canola response to plant density at Mullewa 2013 trial report

Page last updated: Monday, 4 November 2019 - 1:46pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

In stressed conditions canola yields and gross margins were reduced at plant densities above 20 plants per square metre (plants/m2).

Despite being higher yielding and producing higher oil than CB Telfer TT, the higher seed costs of hybrid triazine tolerant variety Hyola 450TT resulted in lower gross margins.

Hybrid RoundupReady cultivar Hyola 404RR produced the highest yields and oil at Mullewa in 2013.

Despite higher upfront costs Hyola 404RR also produced the highest gross margins.


Breeding companies are favouring the development of hybrids in order to pay for breeding services.

Hybrids provide growers with more vigorous seedlings, comparatively better plant establishment and generally higher yields, however, growers have to purchase new seed of hybrid varieties every year in order to get these potential yield benefits.

Seed for hybrid canola is 10-25 times more expensive than the seed of open pollinated canola.

If growers are forced into hybrids they may wish to minimise seed costs by sowing at lower densities.


To investigate the plant density response to yield and oil content of TT and RR hybrid canola in comparison with open-pollinated canola.
