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100%+ Club nominations now open for 2013

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Monday, 17. June 2013 - 12:00

Western Australian sheep producers with high lambing rates are invited to nominate for membership of the More Sheep Initiative’s 100%+ Club.

The 100%+Club aims to recognise producers who achieve top lambing rates and can demonstrate a whole-farm average marking percentage of 100 per cent or more during the past season.

The program is part of the More Sheep Initiative, an industry-wide collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Food and the Sheep Industry Leadership Council (SILC) aimed at securing the future of WA’s sheep industry.

Department sheep leader Steve Gherardi said the 2012 season was the first year of the 100%+ Club, with 40 successful nominations for membership.

“The inaugural members were congratulated for their achievement at an event held in March this year,” Dr Gherardi said.

“In addition to recognising producers who achieve outstanding flock reproduction, the program provides an opportunity for successful sheep producers to share their expertise and demonstrate to others in the industry how to achieve a 100% marking rate.”

Dr Gherardi said a key focus of the More Sheep Initiative was on increasing the average marking rate of WA’s flock, which was currently 80 per cent.

“We are helping to achieve increased marking through improved producer awareness, increased capacity and innovative products, and the provision of tools and packages to support producers to manage flocks to their potential,” he said.

Producers are encouraged to nominate themselves or others who are achieving lambing percentages of 100 per cent or above.

Nomination forms are available online at or by contacting 100%+ Club coordinator Julia Smith on 9892 8450 or by email at


Media contact: Jodie Thomson, media liaison    +61 (0)8 9368 3937