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Agriculture and food reports made available to industry

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Thursday, 6. June 2013 - 11:45

The Department of Agriculture and Food today met with industry leaders to present the findings of two reports into the agriculture and food sector in Western Australia.

The first report, an online survey of farm businesses, assessed the financial status of broadacre farm businesses in Western Australia.

Department of Agriculture and Food Director General Rob Delane said the survey, undertaken by independent research company Painted Dog, was distributed to about 5,000 grain growers from Northampton to Esperance.

“Almost 400 farm businesses responded, with more than half of respondents from the Central Agricultural Region,” he said.

“The survey assessed farm equity levels, access to finance and finance conditions, and planned cropping programs this season.”

The report found 15 per cent of respondents had equity levels below 50 per cent. Most of these were in the Central Agricultural Region. Of respondents, a majority planned to crop the same area or more than in 2012. For those who planned to crop less, restricted access to finance was the major reason.

The survey results will be provided to all contributors to the survey as well as relevant industry organisations.

The second report titled Growth, Profitability and Sustainability in WA Agriculture by consultants AECgroup sought detailed input from agricultural consultants.

The report detailed key drivers influencing the growth and sustainability of farm businesses in Western Australia and provided six key recommendations on government and industry actions. These ranged across areas including research and development to labour and market access.

The report will contribute to industry-based planning, being shared with all industry leaders participating in the AgriFood 2025+ initiative supported by the Department.

Mr Delane said the two reports were a part of providing businesses, industry and government with the knowledge and evidence needed to make optimal decisions to support a sustainable and profitable agriculture and food sector for Western Australia.

The Department would continue to support businesses and industry organisations to respond to the challenges and opportunities in the sector.


Media contacts: Jodie Thomson, media liaison     +61 (0)8 9368 3937