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Orchardists and backyard fruit growers invited to Jarrahdale Medfly meeting

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Thursday, 19. September 2013 - 11:45

Fruit growers big and small – from large commercial orchards to backyard growers – are invited to attend an information session to discuss Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) management during coming months.

The meeting will be hosted by the Department of Agriculture and Food and FruitWest in Jarrahdale next week.

Department Senior Research Officer Sonya Broughton said Jarrahdale was an ideal location owing to the mix of commercial orchards and town environment to trial new Medfly control methods.

“Medfly poses the biggest pest challenge for fruit growers in Western Australia,” Dr Broughton said.

“Organophosphate cover sprays were previously useful in helping prevent Medfly breeding but over the last year, both commercial growers and backyarder growers have had to be more innovative in Medfly management or lose more fruit.”

Last season, the department trialled a new ‘lure and kill’ device in commercial orchards near Jarrahdale and also released sterile insects to help reduce fly populations.

This season, researchers will trial other traps in both the old town and commercial orchards, combined with foliage baiting, sterile insects and other treatments.

“We encourage the local Jarrahdale community to be informed and involved in Medfly management as Medfly does not respect fences,” Dr Broughton said.

“Jarrahdale residents are invited to attend the meeting to hear about our plans and share their Medfly experiences.”

The Medfly meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 September from 4-6 pm at the Bruno Gianetti Hall in Munro Street, Jarrahdale.


Media contact: Jodie Thomson, media liaison  +61 (0)8 9368 3937